Sunday, August 29, 2010

mr. chop chop

So I will have more photos up soon that should answer any questions.
Mr.Chop Chop
Limited addition 3D monster plaque cast in Bronze and Aluminum.
Bronze $200 (plus shipping)
Aluminum $100 (plus shipping)
Contact to place your order.
Give us a little time as your very own Mr. Chop Chop has not been cast yet.
Sculpted for my by my friend Chop.

Friday, August 27, 2010


Fubar 2 is coming out. I just did this T shirt for my pal Terry, who thinks it's "Fuckin' Eh!" and told me to tell you he could use some beer money and to buy it here.
That's it that's all.

Monday, August 23, 2010

dry wall art yo

My buddy Toby just sent me this dry wall art he found somewhere.

mr. thumbs up!

Just got this in today from my sculptor.
It's been a long time in the making and still ain't done!
Designed it a few years ago now.
More to come on the production of Mr. Thumbs up!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

‪hair of the dog‬

our '75 chevy van

(Photo by Dan Stoner)
It was quite the story getting our 1975 Chevy but it finally happened.
More to come on that but in the meantime Dan over at Autokulture did a little blog.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


My friends older brother had this in his bedroom when I was a little kid.
I remember thinking he was a satanist or just an evil dude, he used to pound on Chris pretty hard but I guess that's what big brothers do. I can't remember his name but he had long hair and lots of cool shit in his room. We used to call him Goldy Locks and if he caught you he would punch you something wicked in the arm.
I found this a while back floating around the net, I remember loving it.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

oriana and donny's pepper jelly bbq sauce ribs

This is Oriana's amazing recipe I'm doing today but with pepper jelly instead of Cherry jam.
So it's really basic and extremely good, check it out!
Crock pot: If you don't have one then go get one, they are only like 30 bucks and the investment will pay off.
Ribs, baby back or what ever you can find!
Pick out your fave BBQ sauce, I like Stubs.
Get some pepper jelly and if you can't find that cherry Jam will do fine.
Cut your ribs, dump your sauce, add some salt and pepper then let the Crock to the work.
Recommend and 8 hour cook.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

This Saturday Aug.7th Chiselers blowout

My car club's putting on a show this Saturday Aug.7th at Thee Parkside 17th and Wisconsin San Francisco. Car show starts at 4pm and runs till??? Bands at 8pm.
Good times good times!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Van of the week "our new 1975 chevy van"

This weeks van of the week I am proud as fuck to say is our new Chevy Van!
More to come soon.