Custom Vans, the rolling room, the king of the road, the shaggin wagon.
Van sitings are getting fewer and far between. I feel it was just yesterday my dad pulled into the driveway with his '78 Ford all flared and airbrushed, windows tinted, sunroof, CB and mags. I remember him getting really bumbed out cracking the flairs on every speed bump he hit until he eventually pulled them off. There is an amazing van site my friend Beth does www.rockinvan.com and you have to check it out, it's VAN HQ! It's full of great Van info. I still see some around the bay aria all worn out and faded and it makes me imagine what they looked like in there prime. It's becoming a lost art in a way.
It's rolling artwork, like a giant canvace where sappy cheese fucking rules and custom paint overload is king!
A Custom van ain't a Custom van without some airbrushing on it right? I've compiled a few pics (It's even hard to find good ones online) from my collection and a little book my friend Molly gave me a few years back "The Big Book of Vans".