The Monster Revolt club has started!
The idea behind MRC if for the folks that collect my stuff, posters, toys, and limited items that don't want to miss out on anything and also want the low number items.
I am going to try my best to get you the low numbers and plan to make Club only items TBA.
You will get one of everything I self publish or receive samples of within reason throughout the next year.
Subscription will run for one year (starting the day you sign up) and will have an annual fee of $500.
I will cover all shipping within the US only.
(Canada add $100 Overseas add $150)
I've done my best to cover this fee and then a whole lot more with the sign up package alone. (list below).
I will make a section in my studio for your subscription and once I feel it has filled up I'll send you a package.
You will also receive a special addition copy of my book that will be retailing for $150 and limited to 100 signed and numbered copies. The Special addition book will come in a hand made wooden screen printed slip case.
As a first year member you will receive this sign up package:
1.A DD Dunlop guitar pick set with 320 Tortex guitar picks all gauges in a display case.
2. DD Dunlop pick tin and mini pack.
2.Vanen DD Wrist watch (limited to first 4 members)
3.DD Johnny lightning toy van (out soon)
4. DD Poster Pop sticker set (21 stickers with 3 mini's)
5.DD poster pop patchs (Gremmie and Shrunkenhead)
6.Gremmie key chain bottle opener.
7.Kid Robot Dunny
8.DD Unlucky tourist Tiki farm Decanter and mug (sold out but still around the net)
9.DD/Frank Kozik water decal sheet (full set of 3!)
10. 3 uncut screen print posters signed. (had a few extra that never got the chop!)
11.Dirty Donny special addition book (with slip case)
New stuff for 2011, projects I'm working on.
Kid Robot Dunny new series.
Publishing 3 new prints right now (hope to do a new one every other month or more but not certain.)
There are some items I won't be able to include, it's within reason, stuff I don't get samples off or If I only get one prototype, stuff like that.
I'm going to try my best to make you happy and have tried hard to make this a sweet deal!
I will cover all shipping in the US only. (Canada add $100 Overseas add $150)
I will cover the paypal fee.
If your interested in becoming a member please e mail me personally at dirtydonny@gmail.com