My pal and fellow headhunter Howie Pyro has a rad show "Intoxica" Tuesday nights at 9pm luxuriamusic
I've been listening to allot of online radio. I was in LA a few weeks ago and was super stoked that the car had Serious satellite radio. I listen to the underground garage allot and just got me a subscription. But anyway, back to intoxica. I wanted to point out that you can sign up for Luxuria music and listen for free. LuxuriaMusic is an ALL-VOLUNTEER Internet Radio station. They do take donations if you end up digging the station. Like I was trying to say, I listen to internet radio all the time when I'm working.
There is the link, again making it easy for you. I do all the damn work around here.

Howie is a swell guy and has been in piles of bands. I herd a rumor he was in a Hawkwind tribute band, Is that treu?

You can download his podcast or just tune in Tuesday Nights at nine dammit!