J.H Lynch is one of my favorite artists, I have many but he is high on the list.
The first time I saw his work I was a little kid and my grandfather acquired a few of his prints.
My grandmother wasn't to happy about it and made him keep them in the basement/rec room.
My mom called them the "Floosie paintings". As a kid they reminded me of the James Bond women.
My grandfather passed away a few years back and my grandmother recently moved out of the family house.
My mom called to tell me they found one of the Floosie paintings wile moving and that my grandmother wanted me to have it.
I now have a few of his original prints witch are getting quite rare.
I have seen a number of new giclee prints on e bay.
My personal favorite "Dusky Dame" is "Nymph".
Check the Clockwork Orange pics, rad!
To learn more about J.H.Lynch google him or check out this cool site i found