Well, the new Hawaii 5-O sucks but the new Dodge Challenger is undeniably rad.
We got to the car rental place and walked outside to pick up our hatchback rickshaw and saw this bad boy in the lot. I did an about face and went for the full on upgrade! It wasn't the Hemi but it had balls for a "modern ride". I look forward to trying out the Hemi car soon. It handles like a champ, is comfortable. I really have no complaints other that the interior was kinda plane but it grew on me threw out the trip. Plus the blind spots, but who cares about small shit with a car like this. I drive a '69 Satellite every other day.
Having this in my possession for a week I kept admiring the grill, rear and hips. they did a great job with what they had to work with.
Dear Dodge, please send me a Plumb Crazy Purple 2010 Hemi Challenger with white side strobe stripes.