It's been a while since I've done a Van of the week post, no real reason, I guess I just needed a break. I've been seeing allot of vans around lately. Lots of diamonds in the ruff, things of beauty past, almost survivors, sun fade victims. I was talking to my friend Wade the other day and the subject of Van interiors came up so I figured I would post this one.
I also get asked allot about vans and why I don't own one and the reason is I don't know?
I have a '69 Satellite, that's my first love, a bare bones Mopar, a metal spam can full of fire crackers. I would love to own a van one day and most likely will. I've played with the idea of creating/painting my own but I also like the idea of finding a survivor, something from the day, I think that would be the shit. Something with a bed, bar, shag and Frazetta mural, something with a good vibe ghost.
I'll get back on the van of the week soon. I've just been busy with the car build and keeping up on my work.
Oh, check out that bad fucking ass paint job!