Thursday, November 27, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
the fantasy art of jeff easley

The fantasy art of Jeff Easley kicks ass. He is yet another artist who's book covers burned themselves into my brain as a kid. Sure D&D gets a horrible wrap amongst, well, everybody but you can not ignore Jeff's incredible artwork on the covers of lots of these books.
Some of his notable works include the cover art of the 1st edition Dungeons and Dragons incarnations of the Monster Manual II, Unearthed Arcana, and Oriental Adventures as well as the 2nd edition core books (the Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide and Monstrous Manual). He also provided the artwork for Italian power metal band Rhapsody of Fire's 2006 album Triumph or Agony.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
more than meets the eye
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
the devil and daniel johnston

The Devil and Daniel Johnston
What a great film/documentary...lets call it a movie.
It came out in '06 but I just got a chance to watch it tonight.
Que this up on your net flix!
fast times the tv show

Yup, they actually did a spin off TV series. And yes, it was bad and only lasted one season. Doesn't have any of the actors from the movie 'cept a few teachers and Mr. Hand. But hey, It wasn't that bad, I mean compared to what was on early evening TV in the 80's. Most people don't remember this and it has never been back in syndicate let alone put to VHS or DVD, at least not as far as I know.
So every once in a wile I do a little google search for it and about a month ago up it pops at
OK, so I haven't seen this show since the mid 80's and who is the first person I recognise, Lee Ving of FEAR, haha, amazing! So yes, it's worth the $12 for a shit TV to VHS to DVD copy and even though it's cheesy it's still kinda fun to watch.
for more info visit Fast Times
Monday, November 17, 2008
new black line

New poster in the works. I've been wanting to do a Old school Transformers drawing for a long time now. I remember being a kid showing my dad a transformer I bough and him commenting on how cool the box art looked, and that stuck with me. They had great packaging and artwork. I won't even get into the new movie, it doesn't exist to me, I put me to sleep. They look like magnet stick-men rolled in smashed VCR parts. So when I got asked to do this Poster with an AC/DC Trans-Am twist I came up with this.
my car club

Ya-ya, I know to most people it's kinda boring but I figure it's like a monthly car update. Lot's has happened to the Satellite in the last month but not to many photos.
Basically in a nut shell I got my pal Scott Mugford of Blue Collar Customs Sacramento on board to help with my motor. Under Scott's guidance we dropped the virgin block off at racing legend Rex Hutchison of Rex Hutchison's Racing Engines where Rex and his team went to work on it. Scott is now in the process of building it, more on that later. Wile that part of the car is getting it's attention I've been hard at work in my garage installing my rebuilt everything, dash, steering column, heater box and upholstery. Not to mention the grill and bumpers, she's staring to look like a car again.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
wham o wheeliebar
I first saw this commercial a few years back when it was passed around by a friend.
The fine folks at Crown Cycles have my shruneknHead crate bike in production. Not sure when it will be out (These things take time!) but I'll post the prototypes here soon.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
hairy hornes and coffee with bela
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Monsters 10 12 '08

You know what, I though about it and I don't really feel like doing monster of the week cause I'm kinda lazy this week. So I'm just going to post what ever junk up here I feel like. Maybe I'll post a monster or some shit next week, maybe, we'll see how I feel K? I'm also thinking of buying a He Man play set on E bay. I know when it comes in the mail I'll be stoked and then I'll be like "Where the fuck am I going to put this shit" and then I'll make a spot and I'll stare at it for a long time and make stupid voices into the snake mountain microphone like I did when I was a kid and then I'll get board of it but it will still look cool on my shelf. Can't wait to get it.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
friend profile: trevor borrens

Friend profile:Trevor Borrens
Trev is a working artist that hails from Ottawa Canada.
He plays drums like Animal from the Muppets and has a lump on his head he refused to get removed. I first met Trevor in grade school when I got sent to the principals office. He was also in shit and waiting to see the principal.
We've been friends ever since.
Q: What is your favorite He-man villain and why?
Trevor: Was there ever a movie or a video game or something where He-Man and Skeletor and all of them beat the shit out of Lion-O and those other wankers from the thunder cats? I think I remember that, or maybe it was just from me playing when I was a kid. Ether way, I love that fucking movie/video game. I think a couple of the parts that made up Voltron were in it too.
I hate to choose the obvious but, my favorite He-Man villain was always Skeletor. His face is a fucking skull! It is pretty hard to compete with that.The only bad thing you could say about the guy is that maybe his loincloth is a little to revealing.
Q: Just why?
T: Infinite monkeys typing on infinite keyboards.
Q: What do you hate?
T: Large groups of people, and running out of pot
Q: What do you like?
T: Pot
Q: What do you drive?
T: I don't
Dancing Magnets
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
ugly earwig baby by trev
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
some old shit

Here is some old art I said I would post. All scanned, no filters, as is. These things used to take a wile, yup. It's all pencil/blue pen and Micron ink pens on 8 1/2 11 typewriter paper or now called printer paper. The second one, the Frankenstein I remember doing lightning fast in Montreal wile waiting for a friend to show up before we hit the bars. The 66sick just fit on the page and was one of the last ones in this format, it took a few days but there is nothing I don't like about it. The roughest is the tiki "two lane blacktop car. I did that one for producer Bob Rock. Look at how it's all chopped together on 3 pieces of paper. You would never know it if you saw the finished logo. I don't know why I'm posting this stuff, I guess it's cool to look back on it a little. Even though it's primitive as fuck, I still dig it. It's also a reminder to me, to not be so stubborn about tying new techniques. I didn't want to change my format cause it worked so well for me and I felt it was "my thing" boy I'm glad I use a brush now.
Thanks for reading/looking.
Oh, I should mention that my styles and techniques have been totally forged from ignorance along with the inspiration and motivation to not work in at another Arbys, Pizza Hut (Fuck you Pizza hut Bells corners Ottawa!) or KFC ever again, even tho I liked the free food and stupid uniforms. Art school? Hell I never went to high school!
super touch shepard fairey interview

Jamie O'shea has a killer web site Super Touch and he has a great interview with Shepard Fairey about his campain poster for Barack Obama. I though this was realy cool and wanted to share it with the readers of my blog.
Read the interview here
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Monday, November 3, 2008
Sunday, November 2, 2008

No point, just a Gremmie sketch and ink in the raw, no filters or clean up.
Did it and liked it that way. I've become obsessed with clean art and sometimes it's nice to leave the pencil lines in and do a quick ruff brush job. I'll post some of my older work this week.
I used to do everything on 8 1/2 by 11 type paper that was dirty yet very clean considering the tools I was using. I think years of raw materials helped mold my black line into what it is today. (what ever that is. better?)
pencil ink art
sudsy rocks the theremin

The Ramshackle Romeos with guest Mr.Lucky last night at the Rite spot San Francisco.
Theremin one of the earliest electronic musical instruments.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
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